Strength & Conditioning

Point Health & Performance, Strength & Conditioning

What is Strength & Conditioning

Strength and Conditioning (S&C) in its principles is the curation of developmental, dynamic exercise programming used to improve physical performance. Whilst it originates in the sporting world, S&C is now widely used within general and recreational settings.

Research demonstrates that correct and appropriate training can improve physical performance. Research also shows that the stronger you are, the less likely you are to sustain an injury.

Our tailored, patient specific S&C programs follow a unique methodology and is based on the objective data and goal setting collected in our initial assessment.

Strength Rehab Training

Obtain Strength Rehab Training at Our Progressive Mortlake Physiotherapy Clinic

Our qualified, experienced physiotherapists offer evidence-based strength rehab training to support muscles, tendons, and ligaments surrounding damaged or injured joints and remove the burden from the afflicted area to facilitate healing. How can we help you?

Physio Strength and Conditioning Benefit Everyone

Our physiotherapists can help to stabilise your joints, correct your posture, increase mobility, even out muscle imbalances, strengthen supporting muscles, learn new movement patterns, and enhance coordination and peripheral skills.

  • We will devise a series of exercises to correct dysfunction, allowing your body to operate at its maximum potential, whether you want to walk up the stairs without pain, improve your running performance, reduce injury risk, or speed up recovery after getting hurt.
  • We offer performance injury screening to help you understand your baseline values, enabling you to reduce the risk of damaging vulnerable areas again.
  • We develop progressive programs to enhance athletic performance based on data obtained during pre-season and in-season screenings and evaluate improvements monthly, quarterly, or six-monthly.
  • If you get injured, the screening will tell us when you can safely return to your sporting activities, whether you are an adult professional, recreational competitor, child, or teenager.
  • Our athletic rehabilitation rests on a five-step concept plan: the protection phase, introduction to load, strength accumulation, training accumulation, and return to performance.
Point Health & Performance, Sports Injury Management & Rehabilitation

We also treat general conditions that cause discomfort. These include but are not limited to mid-, and lower back pain, golfer’s or tennis elbow, osteoarthritis, runner’s knee, sciatica, hurting feet and ankles, hip impingement, neck, and shoulder pain.

Can You Do Strength And Conditioning Physiotherapy When Injured?

Yes, you can. Our rehabilitation style guides you through the rehabilitation process and principles from when you first get injured to recovery and beyond.

  • We work out patient-specific programs and follow a distinctive methodology based on the objective data we collect during your initial assessment and your objectives.
  • We tailor your treatment to your current stage, history, and present goals based on our tests throughout the rehabilitation process.
  • Strength and conditioning (S&C) originated within a sporting concept, but physiotherapists now use it in recreational and general settings to create effective developmental and dynamic programs to improve physical performance.
  • Research shows that you can advance your physical performance through proper training and that you are less likely to suffer injuries the stronger you are.

Our highly qualified, purpose-educated strength and personal training physiotherapists have substantial experience working with sports stars in all disciplines. They have the clinical capabilities to train and treat youth and adolescents plus athletes who compete at the highest levels.

Point Health & Performance Offers Outcome-Orientated Treatment

We are here to help you live a life free of pain so you can take part in the activities you enjoy and find meaningful. We use up-to-date research, outcome-based assessments, education, advice, and knowledge-centred treatment plans to help you recover.

Contact us to receive the patient-centred, top-quality care you deserve.


Children greatly benefit from learning and applying S&C principles within their current sports participation.

Boys and girls as young as 12 can begin an S&C program under supervision from an experienced clinician who has a focus on this population.

S&C training aids in the athlete’s physical development and movement capacity. This translates into better sports performance.

Our S&C programs follow a unique curriculum and methodology, beginning from the very fundamentals which is crucial in building a strong and mobile framework.

The very short answer is no. Men and women, boys and girls, and the elderly are all able to train, move and lift with appropriate technique.

Our S&C programs are created on the foundations of your results from objective testing and the goals we set together. Whether you have never step foot in a gym before, or you are a veteran needing clarity or guidance on your training regime, we can cater for you specific to your needs.

YES! Essentially, our forward thinking rehabilitation style takes you right through the principles of S&C from the very start of your injury, to the end and beyond.

The principles are tailored to your current stage of injury, your past injury history, current goals, and objective tests displayed throughout your rehab process.

Point Health & Performance, Strength & Conditioning

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