Strength and Conditioning explained

Point Health, Strength and conditioning explained

Strength and Conditioning (S&C) is the selection and development of dynamic exercises used to improve physical performance. Whilst it originally benefited athletes it is now widely used in both the sporting world and more generally:

  • S&C is used to develop physical qualities, with the intention of enhancing sporting or physical performance.
  • Research demonstrates that correct and appropriate training can improve physical performance. It also shows that incorrect and inappropriate training can be very detrimental to the way the body moves and performs, whether that’s in daily life, in your hobbies or sport

Principles of Strength and Conditioning

S&C means engaging in activity to improve performance and/or fitness; this is best accomplished by understanding general sports training principles:

  • Individuality – Training should be adjusted to the individual’s characteristics and needs. This is due to the individual responses that training stimulus has on the body.
  • Specificity – Adaptations to training are specific to the muscle groups trained, the intensity and metabolic demands of the exercise, and its specific movements patterns associated.
  • Overload – Certain adaptations require training with greater stimulus than that which the body is accustomed to.
  • Progression – Overloading should occur at an optimal level and time frame to maximise performance. Overloading too quickly may lead to poor technique or injury while very slow overloading may result in little or no improvements.
  • Reversibility – The effects of training will be lost if training stimulus is removed for an extended period of time.

A study by Tim Gabbet (2018) shows a direct correlation between stronger lower limbs significantly reducing risk of sustaining a lower body injury. Therefore, if it be in your sport, or lifestyle, staying strong keeps you at a lesser risk of injury.


  • Increases muscle size, strength & endurance
  • Increases neural recruitment
  • Improves connective tissue function
  • Improves bone health
  • Improves motor skill and confidence to engage further in physical activity
  • Improves mobility and joint range of motion
  • Reduces injury risk
  • Enhances physical performance.

Whether you are an elite athlete, an active individual or looking to return to exercise, book now with us so we can help design, teach and implement a safe, effective S&C program for you which is specific to your goals and needs.




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